Monday, December 19, 2005


That's right, ooh ooh, just been to see King Kong and it was apetastic :) Alright, it starts a little slowly, takes say 40 mins to get to the island, but from the island to the end of the film it's full on!!! The cg and special effects are absolutely amazing and they're pretty much constant, New York from the 30's loooks amazing, I got vertigo really badly at the end when Kong's on the Empire state, got some nice sweaty palms cause of the vertigo! No spoilers here, but there are dinasaurs in this version and there's tons of em, just check out the trailer below... Make sure you see this at the cinema to do it justice, I'm sure there will be some of you out there that will want to poo-poo it in some way, but in my opinion, it's a wicked bit of cinema that had me laughing out loud, cause it was just so mental :)
I'm giving it.....5/5 Andys!!!


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