Saturday, November 26, 2005

Stupid is as Stupid does...

I love Brighton.

It's home.

I used to walk about, feeling part of a tolerant, laid-back and even cultured town. I would enjoy the buzz of lively chat and general sounds of a youthful seaside city.
Recently however, when I walk down western road, the buzz of lively chat, has become the buzz of a thousand morons. It's like I'm on a battlefield being assaulted on all sides by an army of the stupid. You know the type, dripping in Elizabeth Duke, their fatness oozing out of every opening in their clothes. 'ALRIGHT MATE, HUH, HUH, I KICKED THAT C**T IN THE FACE LAST NIGHT, HUH, UM' etc... that is the sound of western road...

The Dictionary says about the moron:

1. A stupid person; a dolt.
2. A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education.

Now, I'm not saying that they haven't always been there, of course they have, there's just more of them. We need some stupid people in the world obviously, who else am I going to beat at scrabble? I feel the time has come for a cull though. This may seem harsh, but walk through town and you will be looking for the nearest club quickly enough, I'm talking about the seal type of club obviously. So join me and lets rid this town of chaff. I say down with the spod, the halker, the mung and the land-whale.


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